Both my mom Loll and my uncle Colin have told me about what it was like growing up in Dudley with their extended family of aunties, uncles and many, many cousins.
They have both shared their memories and delight and dread of their cousin Duncan coming for 'tea' on Sunday! The dread was because of Duncan's ferocious appetite! He was a 'growing lad' and much taller and stockier than his peers. Colin told me that 'You had to be quick' when the bread and dipping vinegar was brought out for the children- quick because '...given the chance Duncan would scoff the lot!'. Duncan apparently loved bread dipped in vinegar!
It's these seemingly inconsequential memories that really conjure up what life was like for families back then. My mom believed that Gladstone (Duncan's father) and Duncan came regularly for Sunday 'tea' because the family struggled to make ends meet at the time.
I'm capturing as many of these short little memories as I can as cartoons. Bread and butter is a draft digital drawing which I'll be developing and refining as part of a small zine.
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