It's great to be announcing my new show is coming soon. It's also pretty scary as I am still working away and my pencils are getting shorter and shorter every day!
The press release says it better than my ramblings so here is an extract from that:
WHO’S THAT DYING ON THE RUNWAY? Gayle Rogers (Drawer and researcher)
Gayle’s ancestor Duncan Edwards (football legend and England and Manchester United player) died because of the injuries he sustained in the Munich Air Disaster. He was only 21 years old. The anniversary of the Munich Air Disaster is 6th February and the anniversary of Edwards’ death is on 21st February so this show is particularly poignant 63 years on and still remembered on a global scale.
‘I’ve dedicated a few years of my life to documenting the commemoration of Edwards and the Munich Air Disaster culminating in 2017 when I was awarded a PhD on the subject after studying with the International Football Institute (the research arm of the National Football Museum based at UCLan). Being a recent recipient of an Early Career Researcher grant from the British Society of Sports History means my research can continue. My focus now is to make my academic studies more accessible by translating my research through art. It’s the first time I’ve combined my art and research practices and I’m finding it challenging and exhilarating! My exhibition in February at the Workers Gallery is a showcase of my work-in-progress.
There are drawings, writings and translated stories from fans as well as records of the negative side of fan rivalry. I’ve not shied away from the darker side of loss – even though it can be painful for me to document how happy some people are that my ancestor and 22 other people died in a plane crash’.